So, this last week I have finished:
* Jennifer's Body by Rick Spears
* The Sandman: World's End by Neil Gaiman
* Never Slow Dance with a Zombie by E. Van Lowe
* Dark Visions #1: The Strange Power by L.J. Smith
* The Zen of Zombie by Scott Kenemore
Currently Reading or About to Read:
* Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
* The Lost Steps by Alejo Carpentier (for my Music and Literature class)
* Equus by Peter Shaffer (for my Mythology and the Stages of Life class)
* Dark Visions #2: The Possession by L.J. Smith
What are all you guys reading right now?
I have also decided to join another challenge: R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril IV! I am taking on Peril the First: Read 4 books of any length, from any subgenre of scary stories that you choose. I haven't chosen any specific books, but I will definately review them all and share them with you here. Have a great Labor Day!

Okay, so your blog name is just the coolest!!!
I'm thrilled you are joining in this year's R.I.P. Challenge. Thanks for deciding to be a part of it.
Shawna Lewis
Good luck on the R.I.P. Challenge Love your blog!!!
Thanks Carl and Shawna! :)
yay! for joining rip. i know it's right up your alley.
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