1) There are hundreds and hundreds of zombie books, movies, games, television shows, and so much more. Zombies seem to have infiltrated the collective consciousness of our society and the phenomenon just keeps growing. It has struck a nerve with people, which leads people to explore them more, evolving them and making them slightly different along the way. Each person involved makes it their own, inspiring and influencing the next person.Unicorns, on the other hand, seem to be stagnant. The only recent unicorn novels I can think of is the series by Diana Peterfreund. Even though Rampant is really good (review to come), unicorns just don’t seem to inspire people. As Justine Larbelestier puts it, “Unicorns are as metaphorically dead as the dodo.” To put unicorns against zombies just seems to be sad and kind of unfair in regard to the sheer number of zombie stuff out there.

2) Zombie motivation and drive is way superior to the unicorns. Zombies may be slow, shuffley, and maybe in a few more pieces than is normal, but they never tire or give up. Even if you manage to kill a few or even a hundred, there will always be more to take their place. Simon Pegg put it the best: “If you’re careful, if you keep your wits about you, you can stave them off, even outstrip them—much as we strive to outstrip death. Drink less, cut out red meat, exercise, practice safe sex; these are our shotguns, our cricket bats, our farmhouses, our shopping malls. However, none of these things fully insulates us from the creeping dread that something so witless, so elemental may yet catch us unawares—the drunk driver, the cancer sleeping in the double helix, the legless ghoul dragging itself through the darkness towards our ankles.”
I’m not even sure what unicorns do or what their motivation is. They help people, they eat people, they purify water, they eat rainbows….I don’t really know.
3) Zombies are kind of like the Borg from Star Trek. They assimilate everyone that comes across their path, making their numbers larger and ensuring their future existence. There is never a shortage of zombies during a zombie apocalypse.
Unicorns are just horses with horns. You may as well be more impressed with a rhino because they are bigger and badder. And it seems like there is almost always only one unicorn or very few. They are a dying species and if it ever came to an actual fight with zombies against unicorns, all the unicorns would eventually become zombies. And then we would have zombie unicorns, which would improve them greatly. ;)

Fellow zombie lovers and enthusiasts, grab this button and post it on your blogs if you are proud to be fans of the walking dead!
Visit Team Unicorn captain Misty at the Book Rat and Velvet at vvb32 Reads for more events and giveaways!
Go team zombie!!!
Have you ever listened to Zombie Girl btw? She's got lots of zombie songs!
Unicorns are very secretive and there are many more than everyone would think. Who knows what terrible powers they may have?! One thing I'm sure...they are more intelligent than most humans. :P
I see that ladybug and I wonder zombie? It's so much easier to become a zombie than a unicorn - what's not to love?
...and it's too early in the morning for me to leave coherent comments.
I am with you 100%! Team Zombie!
I repeat: You're going DOWN!
(great post)
Booo Zombies! Unicorn rule!!!
By the way, I love the fact you highlighting =)
pfft.. unicorns? just ponies with a huge pimple on their forehead :P
go team zombie!
@Sullivan: I've never heard of Zombie Girl! Thanks for introducing me to her. I always need more zombie music.
@Giada: I think they're secretive because there aren't very many of them or they just really have a hatred for people. Either way, zombies are way more constant and more awesome.
@the epic rat: So true. The ladybug is totally a zombie, lurking on the ground to bite unsuspecting people.
@elizabeth: YAY! :D
@Misty: Thanks, but I think YOU'RE going down. :P
@Daryln: Thanks, but it's sad your part of the enemy faction. :(
@MarySew: So true! Team Zombie rules!
I always thought unicorns were those things made up to sell Plushes to little girls!
Zombies go!
Dear Titania [and fellow
Team Zombies member],
Per the whole Unicorns vs Zombies debate, I think you've rather hit the nail square upon the head when you liken unicorns to horses with horns. For really, what can one say beyond that? ...
Can unicorns increase their numbers via assimilation as Zombies do? NO!
Are unicorns capable of galloping, crawling, stumbling, lurching and otherwise making a complete nuisance of themselves forever and a day without rest?
Of course NOT!
And finally, have unicorns ever been choreographed into one of the all-time greatest music videos (a/k/a Thriller)to ever hit the masses?
Perish the thought!!!
Very convincing arguments, but I firmly believe good shall triumph over evil, therefore...UNICORNS FOR THE WIN!
LOL - love the borg and rhino references - just LOL
but seriously, TEAM ZOMBIE, baby, oh yeah!
Team Zombie for the win. I never understood how anyone can be against Zombies. What did they ever do to them? They're so unbiased! Unicorns are so 'blah blah blah pure and innocent blah blah blah' that's very discriminatory and against the law to boot!
Zombies are total badass. Unicorns prance around in meadows, but zombies eat brains. So much better.
Team Zombie! They got the best team work skills, unicorns would just be having fun and running around or lose each other!
Whoo! Go Zombies! XD
Those were some excellent points!
Unicorns FOREVER sorry!
YAY! I'm team Zombies too!
I am a new follower. If you care to follow me back then I would greatly appreciate it.
Also don't forget to check out my amazing blog design giveaway that ends 9/29!
Ashley's Bookshelf
Unicorn ftw! :p eating brains alone is awfully disgusting :/
Team Unicorn for me! Sorry but zombies are just too scary :P
New follower here!
I love your arguments for why one should join Team Zombie... but to be fair, I must first go read Team Unicorn, and judge accordingly XD
Although Zombie Unicorns would be amazing!
@Heather: You don't have to choose. You can totally be team Zombicorn if you want. :)
ohlala, unicorns do NOT eat people (that's so what zombies do!) - maybe some weird new perversion of them does. How sad that something like that could be thought of.
That said, the Borg was oh so totally my favorite Star Trek character, and yet I will forever and always be team unicorn (and I don't even want to think about a zombicorn - agh!)
Team Zombie all the way!!!
BTW...I like the poster's suggestion of zombie unicorns. Now THAT would make a great series!
Good points. I've always been on Team Zombie, but these are all very valid reasons to stay that way.
Team Unicorn
Horns rule!
Black Disaster Fairy
I'm sorry but I'm all about Team Unicorn... You just can't change me: http://itsjustlifeasiknowit.blogspot.com/2010/09/zombies-vs-unicorns-debate-which-side.html
Thanks for being such an awesome captain, Titania!
TEAM ZOMBIE- no doubt!
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