Wednesday, September 15, 2010

More Zombie Videos

The book trailer for Night of the Living Trekkies is here in all its pseudo-J.J. Abrams glory! It looks like the book would actually translate into a pretty awesome, cheesetastic movie. Check it out!

AND I found this adorable live action version of the video for There's a Zombie on Your Lawn from Plants vs. Zombies. If you are one of the few people who hasn't played it yet, go play the demo and then buy the game to fuel your new addiction.

** This post is for Velvet's September Zombies.**

1 comment:

M.A.D. said...

Titania, that video is adorable!!! Love her corn weapons and the guy with the screen lol

I'm so addicted to PVZ, anyone who hasn't played it yet certainly needs to give it a try :D