Jim Pike works in a dead end job with a minimum of responsibilities at a hotel. Although he has the capability and intelligence to do something significant with his life, he avoids responsibility like the plague. When he spent two tours of duty in Afghanistan, his confidence in himself and with people as whole was completely shattered. Now he has to deal with GenCon, the Star Trek convention that has started in the hotel. Things couldn’t be more disastrous. The attendance at the convention is well below what was expected. Employees are calling in sick and if they bother to show up, they disappear. Many people report being bitten by random strangers and develop flu-like symptoms shortly afterwards. Jim’s gut feeling tells him something is really wrong here, but Jim’s brain convinces him that it’s just paranoia. There’s no such thing as zombies, right?
I thought this was going to be the mash-up book that was too cheesy to be good, but I ended up reading the entire thing in one day. It was so engaging, I couldn’t put it down. It mashes together two things I really enjoy: zombies and Star Trek. I grew up watching Star Trek: The Next Generation, so I have pretty much always been a moderate Trekkie. I really enjoyed all the attention to detail in the book. Every chapter heading was named after a Star Trek episode. There were huge amounts of references to all the Star Trek series throughout the book. The author must be nerds as well or they did massive amounts of research in order to appear so.
The characters are all multidimensional, realistic people. Many of the people I got attached to ended up dying, which surprised me. I figured time wouldn’t be spent on a lot of character development if they’re just going to die. I really like Jim and his hero journey, from an outcast of the lowest order to a leader. The zombies are also pretty cool. These aren’t your run of the mill zombies, but ones induced by alien parasites, kind of like in Scott Sigler’s Infected. They cause people to sprout an extra eye and have the ability to mesmerize people. Eating flesh isn’t needed for their survival, but as means of transmitting more parasites to more people. Their biology is interested and provides a new spin on the zombie.
Night of the Living Trekkies is a fast, light read that grabs you doesn’t let go. The Star Trek information is presented in such a way that fans would recognize some more subtle Star Trek allusions, but there are plenty that are explained so no readers would feel left out if they don’t know Star Trek canon very well. I think everyone could find something that they like in it.
My rating: 4/5 fishmuffins
The nice people at Quirk books sent me a copy of the book and 2 posters to give away. There will be 2 winners: first place wins the book and a poster and second place wins a poster. Just one entry for everyone by answering this question: Do you like Star Trek? Why or why not? Remember to leave an email address. Open internationally. Ends 10/8, winner announced shortly after.
I like the old Star Trek and I love Star Trek Voyager (well, until 7 of 9 joins then it just gets repetitive and boring). The old Trek is part of the classics I think and the characters of Voyager are just beyond cool (especially the holographic doctor)!
I'm no fan of the Next Generation as I can't stand Jean Luc and that annoying doctor and her son.
my email is in my profile btw
I love Star Trek! Voyager was my favourite because Janeway was a great captain, all the actors could actually act and the storylines were always great. Seven of Nine was a very interesting character actually. I just loved the Borg! How scary. I didn't think she should've ended up with Chakotay though! Chakotay should've ended up with Janeway and Seven of Nine with Harry Kim!
Also, Next Generation is also a favourite of mine! Picard!!
Have you heard the Picard song? It's so catchy!
I enjoyed the movies more than the series! tWarner419@aol.com
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
OMG ... I've always loved Star Trek!
I thought Spock had serious *hotness* potential, even with the ears & green skin going on hehe
Per Next Generation - I think the writers did an incredible job, with several plots based upon the paranormal & quantum physics theory. They interwove ideas well. More believeable, in a surreal-futuristic-cheeseball kinda way ;D
Thanks for the great giveaway~
Honestly, I haven't really watched Star Trek but I think I know some people that would love this, and regardless...I really want to read it too!! Zombies are ace and I'm a nerd in general. :)
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
I have watched Star Trek since the first series, from when it appeared onour TV screens over here.
I loved it then and still do.
I have always been a SciFi fan and this was the first TV series or film that really was Science Fiction to me.
Agreed some of the later movies have been a bit of a disappointment but I will still remain a fan.
Carol T
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
I am a Follower via GFC
I do like Star Trek thouh I haven't watched it in awhile. I remember watching it as a kid. One time while on vacation I stayed in the hotel room the whole time watching a Star Trek marathon. Wow, thanks kind of sad. lol
I wasn't really much of a Trek fan until the eleventh movie came out. I'm a little young for the original series, but my parents watched it all the time, so I've grown up with basic canon.
The eleventh movie was done in a way so that people like me could enjoy the characters and look forward to something new.
I hated Star Trek growing up. My parents watched it all the time. Over and Over, like MASH.
But I have to say the new Star Trek movie was awesome!! (Watched w mother.) But I think I might have to change my childhood thoughts. *Sway!*
Black Disaster Fairy
Growing up, when my father had the remote control you could almost guarantee we were going to be watching Star Trek or Doctor Who (though sometimes we'd luck out and get sport). Star Trek is one of those franchises I could never really "grow out of", so to speak. Too much fun to quit! I'd never thought of mixing zombies with Trekkies though, now that's interesting!
I liked the original star trek and next generations. I think alot of the original star trek episodes were actually commentary about what was going on at the time.
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