Another mini-challenge! This one is from My Book Retreat and the task is to identify a character and what book their in, choose a costume for them with a rationale for why, and provide a picture of the costume.
The character I chose is the dashing Captain Abraham Griswold AKA Bram from Lia Habel's Dearly, Departed. The best costume for him would be a zombie. He is a zombie, so he would just splash some fake blood on his mouth, wear some ragged clothes, and shuffle around a little more than normal. It provides Bram a way to blend in with living people without attracting unwanted attention, namely screams, stares, and people running away. Plus it would give Nora Dearly and his zombie friends some amusement. Here is what he would look like in his zombie costume:

* photo from ~uncherished at deviantArt
My progress for the last 2 days:
* Dearly, Departed by Lia Habel: 276 pages Finished!
* The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin: 78 pages
Total for whole read-a-thon: 579 pages
Love it! Great picture too. Thanks for participating in my mini challenge!
Awesome pix!!! And congrats on your mini-challenge! *braiinzzzz*
Love it...and, ewwww, gross!
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