Well, I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. This is the last week of school and then I can relax and actually read the things I enjoy reading. So, I am joining a couple of challenges starting after finals:

1) Evolution's Darling by Scott Westerfeld
2) Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
3) Zoe's Tale by John Scalzi
6) Jane Bites Back by Michael Thomas Ford
7) The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep and Never Had to by DC Pierson
8) Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls by Steve Hockensmith
9) Sleepless by Thomas Fahy
10) Need by Carrie Jones
7) The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep and Never Had to by DC Pierson
8) Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls by Steve Hockensmith
9) Sleepless by Thomas Fahy
10) Need by Carrie Jones
11) Still Sucks to Be Me by Kimberly Pauley
12) The Curse Workers: White Cat by Holly Black
13) Bleeding Violet by Dia Reeves
14) Changeless by Gail Carriger
15) Captivate by Carrie Jones
16) The Host by Stephenie Meyer
17) My Name Is Memory by Anne Brashares
18) Rampant by Diana Peterfruend
19) Night of the Living Trekkies by Kevin Anderson and Sam Stall
20) Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
21) Frankenstein's Bride by Hilary Bailey
22) Frankenstein's Monster by Susan Heyboer O'Keefe
23) Boneshaker by Cherie Priest
24) Happy Hour of the Undead by Mark Henry
26) The Loving Dead by Amelia Beamer
27) Passing Strange by Daniel Waters
28) Handling the Undead by John Ajvide Lindqvist
29) The Reapers are the Angels by Alden Bell
My second challenge is the Holiday Break Reading Challenge hosted by Karin's Book Nook! I've been suffering all semester reading books forced upon me. I really need a break and can't wait to get back into reading and reviewing for fun. My goal as of now is 20 books, but I may change it later.

I am also joining the Save Amanda Feral bandwagon. This series was recommended to me by Kat Richardson, author of the awesome Greywalker series, when I saw her on her last book tour. The first in the series is Happy Hour of the Damned by Mark Henry. Here's the description from the back cover:
Donuts are deadly. One minute you’re getting your binge on, the next, you’re slipping on the box, cracking your skull, and in the weirdest turn of events, rising as a zombie. That’s just for starters. Now, the recently deceased Amanda Feral is trying to make her way through Seattle’s undead scene with style (mortuary-grade makeup, six inch stilettos, bangin’ Balenciaga handbag) while satisfying a craving for decent vodkatinis and the occasional human flesh—Don’t judge. And no, not like chicken.
Navigating a dangerous world of cloud-doped bloodsuckers, reapers, horny and horned devils, celebrity blood donors, and PR-obsessed shapeshifters—not to mention an extremely hot bartender named Ricardo—isn’t easy. And the minute one of Amanda’s undead friends disappears after texting for “help” (the undead—so dramatic!) she knows the afterlife is about to get really ugly.
Something sinister is at hand. Someone or something is hellbent on turning Seattle’s supernatural underworld into a place of true terror. And this time, Amanda may meet a fate a lot worse than donuts…
This book looks awesome! It's reviewed to be hilarious and disgusting AND it's coming out in mass market paperback in February. I'm totally buying it!

*Special thanks to Zombie Girrl for telling me about the Save Amanda project and reminding me that I should go buy this series. :)
So, that's all. I hope the rest of you are having a great holiday season. :)
I've been thinking about jumping on the bandwagon, too. I love Mark Henry's blog, he amuses me.
Hi welcome to the Speculative Fiction challenge - pleased you signed up! Lots of great challenges you have chosen, good luck and have fun! :)
I don't know if you've already received this award, but I gave you one at my blog Book Bound.
Here's the link:
Take care!
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