Monday, October 26, 2009

My Entries for Princess Bookie's Big Box Challenge

I have chosen to do two entries: one book cover recreation with my own photos and an original book cover based on the title of the book.

This is my own version of Fallen by Lauren Kate.

This is my recreation of I Kissed a Zombie and I Liked It by Adam Selzer. This is a picture of my boyfriend DJ and I that was taken at E's Zombie Fest.

If you would like to enter this contest or look at everyone else's entries, please go here.


vvb32 reads said...

love it! your margot and dirk are purrrrfect!

vvb32 reads said...

oh, didn't know. i voted. guess who for ???

Anonymous said...

thats a smart ass remark

Anonymous said...

shes pretty