Friday, October 13, 2017

Podcast Friday: Test Pattern and Lore

* Test Pattern

Test Pattern is hosted by Jacob and Tab (of one of my favorite podcasts The Girls in the Back Row). Together, they host a show that focuses on horror films, cult classics, and other things that go bump in the night. Their episodes are well crafted with deep discussions and quite a bit of research. They start the show with their horror origins, what got them interested in horror as kids. My favorite of their series so far is their Universal Monsters series where they go through each Universal movie paired with a more modern remake, starting with The Phantom of the Opera silent film paired with Phantom of the Paradise. These film are near and dear to my heart so I love the new information about the making of the films, how the Hayes' Code affected what could be shown in the films, and of course their personal opinions on them. Their Cautionary Tales episode goes through different fairy tales and children stories with harsh consequences along with movie and TV adaptations of them, detailing their exposure to them as children and adults. The Nightmare Before Christmas episode gave me a new appreciation for my favorite Halloween movie and the amount of detail that went into making it. I can't recommend this podcast enough. 

* Lore

Aaron Mahnke hosts and writes the Lore podcast that mixes history and the supernatural backed by beautiful piano music. Each episode goes into depth about a certain subject like vampirism, witches, varieties of different creatures, and more. He details why people might believe what they did, some possible logic explanations, and always leaves it open for the supernatural to be out there. Everything is connected in a seamless narrative that sometimes goes to unexpected places. Some episodes don't interest me as much, but others gave me chills. I have two favorites: the very first episode about called They Made a Tonic and the 12th episode Half-Hanged. The first is about how in the late 19th century, the odd effects of tuberculosis on the body after death had people believing in vampires and mutilating bodies to safeguard against them. The dead person in question was Mercy Brown who was found to be in a suspiciously fresh state with blood still in her heart. It's a remarkable case that caused a panic and led to some unnecessary, grisly actions. The latter episode is about Mary Webster, an accused witch who was found innocent by the courts. Her neighbors didn't agree due to the strange circumstances surrounding a prominent man's death and hanged her anyway, but she survived. Both bizarre stories simply fascinate me. If you like weird tales with some basis of truth, I would highly recommend this podcast.   

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