Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Upcoming Zombies Sneaking Up Behind You Part 1

These zombie books are almost here!

* Nanoshock by K.C. Alexander

The sequel to K.C. Alexander's Necrotech, second in the SINless series, is called Nanoshock. Riko's cred is still in the toilet and she's fair game for anyone to try to take down despite her new position. She's still trying to fill in the gaps in her memory and will have to push a lot of boundaries and break a lot of rules to do it. I am excitedly awaiting Riko's return and I predict this book will be better than the first since most of the world building will already be established. Nanoshock comes out November 7th.

* Dread Nation by Justina Ireland

Dread Nation sounds amazing. The dead started to walk after the battle of Gettysburg, throwing the Civil War by the wayside as this threat is much more immediate. Legislature goes through to allow Native Americans and African Americans to go to combat school to fight the undead scourge. Jane McKeene is almost done with one such combat school when she's entrenched in a conspiracy that has her fighting for her life. I assume it has something to do with the eastern states wanting to return the country back to its "glory days," but I'm not sure. I can't wait to read this, but it won't release until Aprl 3, 2018.

* Cotton Crossing by Lilith Saintcrow

Cotton Crossing is a small town that no one ever leaves. Ginny Mills plans to move back to a bigger city when she gets some experience in the library system, but her plans go awry when the power goes out and the woods are full of bizarre creatures. She and Lee Quartine, the guy who has a crush on her, unite with a band of survivors against huge odds to try and survive. Lilith Saintcrow is one of my favorite writers and I never thought she would write a zombie book. Cotton Crossing is out in paperback and will be released as an ebook September 19th.

What are you most anticipated zombie reads?

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