Wednesday, October 1, 2014

It's October!!!!

Once again, it's October, my favorite time of year AND my 31 days of Halloween celebration. Stores are bursting with Halloween decorations, candy, costumes, and everything orange and black. TV is full of horror TV shows and movies. It's like Christmas to me. So keep an eye out here for horror goodies throughout the month ranging from awesome horror events to book and movie reviews. I'm attempting to watch a whole bunch of horror films this month, so let's see how many I can fit in. Care to share any recommendations?

1 comment:

  1. You and me BOTH - Halloween rocks! :D
    Hmmm ... movie recommendations:
    Dead Alive
    Salem's Lot
    Anything w/zombies lol

    I know there's tons more good ones, but my mind went blank :P
