Thursday, October 17, 2013

Wonderfully Wicked Challenge: Acrostic

For the Wonderfully Wicked challenge at the Happy Booker, I created this acrostic based on Stephen King's The Shining. The Overlook is the haunted hotel that Jack Torrance takes his family to for the winter.

Once Jack was an angry, out of control drunk.
Violent accident led him to change his ways.
Everyone still looks at him with pity and disdain.
Redemption lies in the position as caretaker at the Overlook Hotel for the winter.
Laughter and fun fill the halls at first.
One day the bar was full and Jack was thirsty.
Of course all work and no play make Jack a dull boy.
Kid needs to take his medicine like a man, muses Jack.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome acrostic. I like that you chose to use the hotel!
