Wednesday, September 28, 2011

In My Mailbox: Zombie Edition

It's nearing the end of September Zombies and I've randomly been bombarded with zombie books this week! Yay!

1) Cold Kiss by Amy Garvey - purchased from Amazon. I didn't even know this one was about zombies when I first heard of it.

2) Dead of Night by Jonathan Maberry - from Librarything Early Reviewers

3) Dearly Departed by Lia Habel - from Amazon Vine

4) Pat the Zombie by Aaron Ximm and Kaveh Soofi - won from Fiction State of Mind

5) Z by Michael Thomas Ford - won from Shut Up! I'm Reading

6) Dust by Joan Frances Turner - won from Shut Up! I'm Reading

Any awesome zombie reads shuffle their way to your mailbox?


  1. Whoa - excellent haul!

    Dust is gritty & grim, I think you'll really like this one!

    I'm curious about Dearly Departed, let us know what you thought [does it live up to that awesome cover lol]

    enjoy all your goodies, Titania :D

  2. what zombieliciousness!
    pat the bunny... pat the bunny...
