Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tim Burton Signing

A couple weeks ago, I went to the LA County Museum of Art to see Tim Burton. My boyfriend and I arrived at the museum at 8am and we were greeted with a huge line that stretched about a block away from the actual museum, outside of the La Brea Tar Pits. We waited for a while and I met up with a girl I knew from school named Crystal and her friend Phil. Hanging out with them was awesome and made the first couple of hours go by really fast. (The signing actually started at noon.) Phil has a blog of his own called The Brave New, where the goal is to do something new everyday. This month's theme is eating new food every day. I think this is a great idea and something that could put more spice into anyone's life. He had some really crazy stories about raves and eating weird foods. Anyway, some lady came to tell us that we probably wouldn't see him and to stay may be wasting hours of our precious lives. I, being a crazy and dedicated Burton fan, opted to wait until the very end in hopes of meeting the director and author that I most admire. So, my boyfriend and I waited for another few hours and were finally rewarded. Of course, we called our friends back to line so they could meet him too. I was super giddy when I met Tim Burton and I told him that I've been a fan of his work practically forever. He was very nice, despite having to meet about a billion people and then fly back to England for filming, and signed my big giant coffee table book of his art. Here are some super fuzzy pictures because we weren't allowed to used flash, which makes my camera go all crazy. This is Phil with Tim Burton.

I am very pleased that I have met 2 of my trifecta of awesomeness, Johnny Depp and Tim Burton. All that remains is Danny Elfman, which will hopefully eventually happen. This Sunday, I will be seeing the actual exhibit, so hopefully I can take some pictures and share them with you guys. :)


  1. You L.U.C.K.Y. Duck!!! Tim Burton is someone I'd love to meet as well, such an awesome style! And you've met Johnny Depp, too? [insert green with envy smiley face] hehe

    Thanks for sharing~ :D


    I just re-watched Sweeny Todd, a few weeks ago.


  3. so cool I met Tim at the La times Festival of books years ago and got the Melancholy death of Oyster boysigned. Thanks for stopping by the readathon.

  4. cool! hope you get to meet the third!
