Sunday, September 26, 2010

Feed: Brain Cupcakes!!!

While browsing on the Orbit book site a couple months ago, I stumbled upon this post featuring Mira Grant's recipe on how to make brain cupcakes. If you always wanted to eat brains, but think it would actually be pretty icky and you don't want to risk getting mad cow disease, this is the perfect solution!! I decided to make these cupcakes and feed them to my friends. Here's a nice video explaining how to get the frosting to look like brains.

My cupcakes didn't look exactly like that, but they tasted really good. Here are some pictures we took of the process:

I made the cupcakes while Brett and my father were hypnotized by the movie Up.

This is my cat "helping" AKA getting underfood and trying to trip my minion and me.

I made the cupcakes, so my minion Brett iced them and did a wonderful job!

Don't these just look brain-nomingly good? You just can't resist them!

My minion seems to think so too! I think that glint in his eye is a little creepy. I hope he doesn't get any ideas about eating human brains...

The one thing I would recommend if you're going to make these cupcakes is to add more blue food coloring then red coloring (because our brains still look Hello Kitty pink) and let them cool after baking and refrigerate them after icing. It was a really hot day and unfortunately the icing mostly melted off.

These cupcakes were really fun (and messy) to make and a nice tasty treat perfect for a Halloween or zombie themed party. Let me know if you try them out for yourself!


  1. Oooh, those look yummy!!! - and your furbaby is adorable :)

    Better watch the minion though. He looks like he's ready to *let his inner zombie out* lol

  2. yumm. melted brains may work best for baby zombies ;-D
