Tuesday, August 10, 2010

In My Mailbox: Comic-Con Edition

I know; I'm still talking about Comic-Con. I've recently become very sidetracked and I intend to catch up on things. So, without further ado, here are the swag and stuff I bought at Comic-Con.

**Free Swag**

* single issues of Fables, iZombie, and The Losers
* Brain Candy by Garth Sundem
* Frankenstein's Monster by Susan Heyboer O'Keefe
* Overwinter by David Wellington
* Drinking at the Movies by Julia Wertz

* Buttons from Vladimir Tod, Walking Dead, and Tofu Girls

* This super awesome zombie print from Recorded Attacks signed by Max Brooks.

* A page from Frank Beddor's new graphic novel, Hatter M Volume 3, out August 10th.

**Stuff I Bought**

* Johnny the Homicidal Maniac Volume 1 signed by Jhonen Vasquez
* The New Dead signed by Max Brooks
* Walking Dead Volume 12
* Batman Soundtrack
* Dead Like Me Soundtrack
* Kirby Krackle's new album E for Everyone
* Looking Glass Wars playing cards

* Hellboy Skelanimal (so cute!)
* AIDS Giant Microbe
* Measles Giant Microbe

* A Cthulhu fish for my car

* Plus about 5 shirts that I'm too lazy to take pictures of

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren.


  1. *drool*
    What a great haul. and I want a Cthulhu fish like that to!

  2. love the loot! cthulhu fish is the best!
